As announced recently, AURES Technologies launched a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) process and a Carbon Footprint initiative early 2022; the objectives are to formulate and implement a strategy and a comprehensive action plan in terms of eco-responsibility, social and corporate responsibility and corporate governance;
The themes and projects concerned are the reduction of CHG emissions, supply chain and responsible purchasing, eco-design of products, ethical, social and environmental risk management as well as sustainable growth and corporate positive impact.
“This is a long-term project and it is the responsibility of everyone at AURES to contribute”, said Patrick CATHALA, CEO of the Group.
“Early this year, we are pleased to announce that we have reached an important milestone in this area and that AURES has been awarded the ECOVADIS bronze medal, which certifies that we are one of the top 50% of companies that meet the organisation’s general criteria”.
Established in 2007, ECOVADIS is the global standard for CSR assessments, evaluating the performance of over 100,000 companies in more than 175 countries, according to 21 indicators ranging from the prevention of forced and child labour to CO2 emissions; these indicators are divided into four themes (Environment, Social & Human Rights, Ethics and Responsible Sourcing/Purchasing) and meet current international standards.
ECOVADIS has offices in France, USA, UK, Germany, Poland, Canada, Tunisia, Mauritius, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Spain.